Thursday, June 09, 2005

Summer Blahs!

First a quick brief-up on how I have been "utilising" my Summer Vacations: Sleeping late in the night (sometimes, no sleep at all!), getting up late in the morning (which sometimes becomes afternoon), screwing about on the computer [playing with the code to churn out two upcoming websites: The New Layout of the Ramjas RKP Website, and the other is also school-related, but confidential ;-) ] , hopping from one tution to other almost everyday (only Tuesdays and Saturdays are Tution-Free...Damn!)

OK, OK, I agree that kind of a routine (minus the Tution part) is a real treat during the non-vacation days, but, believe me, it can become quite boring after being repeated continuously for more than a month...and to think that my VCD player in my Deck is totally screwed up so I cannot enjoy movies, the theater style.... I have to suffice my senses with my headphones and my computer speakers (the woofer makes them quite good, so its not that bad)...and we still haven't decided where to go on a trip, maybe Goa...and I still haven't figured out who (or what) a Hollaback Girl is.

Gaming sessions now and then in the Basant Lok R-World, listening to Metallica (my latest addiction!) , are the only above-average exciting things that have happened to me since....nevermind.


Blogger Ayush Gupta said...

Interesting. Your name suits you.

9:11 AM

Blogger methead said...

Welcome to the club buddy...I mean no one is safe from the 'Tallica boys....

8:07 AM

Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

True. I spent nearly 8-9 months addicted to Metallica, and now moved on to harder stuff.. but still enjoy a coupla good ol' 'Tallica songs once in a while.

My summer has been spent in just working out and managing the projects, including those sites, and studying. TV seems to have become so dull nowadays.. and I've gotten bored of playing Unreal and Quake and even against the Unreal sharks on the net. Glad to know that you had a better summer than me. :-) Dunno about the others of our clan.

5:27 AM


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