Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Well, hello there!
How's everybody doing? I am not sure how many (real) people actually frequent this blog these days, probably 0 since it's been a gazillion years since I posted anything meaningful last. I see a lot of "comments" from bots trying to sell - of all things - flowers! Hey there, Mister Bot, here's a news flash for you: Give it up and go back to impersonating Nigerian prince who happens to be looking to load off a bunch of his money to strangers on the Internet, much more believable!
Anyway, now that I have vented about the crazy spam bots, let's move on and try to talk about something else. Hmmm, what to talk about ... well, I finished my studies at Drexel last year and have been working for a Casino Gaming company since. It's been going well, with the ups and downs of adult life. It's kinda weird to be out of college and in the real world. I definitely miss the days when I used to bike down to Drexel from my apartment and bike around Philadelphia. Now I spent most of my day indoors at my desk! I would love to get into a time machine, set the dial to Fall 2007 and go back to my freshman year. Man, it would be amazing to re-live my college life!
Well, this flight of fancy is making me nostalgic. Please excuse me while I go back to work on a time machine. :)
-| AG
Update: Using Google's nifty "select all" tool, I managed to remove the spam comments! To all spam bots out there:
Monday, June 27, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Friday, September 03, 2010
I'm back guys and gals!!
Hello to all you sentient beings out there who have been waiting for me to revive my oh-so-awesome blog! Needless to say, the only reason I decided to write out a new post is because I'm bored out of mind at my internship! It's the last couple of weeks of my job and soon I'll be free from the daily monotonous zombie-like existence. Whew! At long last, I'll be able to become a slave to assignment deadlines, midterm cramming and professor woes ... I know, how awesome, right?! Wrong! Just kidding, it's all awesome and good. Life is going good and I'm spending my days chilling out and working hard to achieve something in my life. I've had a lot to think about over the past couple of months and I've decided to change my ways and become the person God intended me to become. I will ace those papers and blow the exams out of the water, wait and watch!
Peace out,
Friday, May 22, 2009
iPod Touch, Em and the Paper
Yes, I did it. I finally did it. I bought myself an iPod Touch. It's been a few days since I got it and boy, do I love this lovely piece of iPod. For one, it's waaay better than my 3rd generation iPod nano and it's got everything one could hope for in a portable music player: it plays music, videos, awesome games and has all these cool applications (from YouTube to Facebook). I love the touchscreen accessibilty, the smooth navigation system and the ease of typing with nearly no typos.

Also, Eminem recently released his album, Relapse. I absolutely love the songs on this album. They are funny and clever! I was laughing my ass off while listening to Insane and a bunch of other songs. You gotta check them out. Oh, and I'm working on my thesis paper for my computer ethics class. It's due early June and I gotta write 5-6 pages on some controversial topic in technology ... hmm, any ideas?
-| AG
Monday, April 20, 2009
Been sooo long!
It's been so fucking long since I posted last. Not blogged, but actually wrote something (like my entry "Dry Spell" dated sometime in November of last year). Let's just say that I've been too damn lazy to bring myself to write something meaningful and even posting those 2 crappy posts about the Sesame St video and Internet speed wasn't something I did out of an eagerness to share something cool with you guys but something I did to suppress the feeling of guilt that I've let my blog go dead.
Yeah, been really long since I posted last ... what can I say? It hasn't exactly been the kind of year when I've had ample amounts of free time to kill on the Internet, let alone on my sorry-ass blog. For the first 6 months of 2009 I was mad busy studying for what seemed like a million credits and since March 30th I have been at my co-op 8 fucking hours a day. For those ignorant dumbos who have no idea what "co-op" is, it's a program in my college during which I work full time at a company for 6 months, kinda like an internship, only that I get paid for spending all that time sitting in an office.
These days, I have taken a liking to the show The Sopranos. It's a really cool show and I've been hooked to it for months now. It's about a Mafia family in New Jersey, and what makes this show that much more interesting than the other mafia movies is that the mob boss (Tony Soprano) deals with family stuff much in the same way as everyone else, and goes to see a psychiatrist to deal with his emotional troubles. This show can be very funny at one time and equally violent and disturbing at another time.
-| AG
Yeah, been really long since I posted last ... what can I say? It hasn't exactly been the kind of year when I've had ample amounts of free time to kill on the Internet, let alone on my sorry-ass blog. For the first 6 months of 2009 I was mad busy studying for what seemed like a million credits and since March 30th I have been at my co-op 8 fucking hours a day. For those ignorant dumbos who have no idea what "co-op" is, it's a program in my college during which I work full time at a company for 6 months, kinda like an internship, only that I get paid for spending all that time sitting in an office.
These days, I have taken a liking to the show The Sopranos. It's a really cool show and I've been hooked to it for months now. It's about a Mafia family in New Jersey, and what makes this show that much more interesting than the other mafia movies is that the mob boss (Tony Soprano) deals with family stuff much in the same way as everyone else, and goes to see a psychiatrist to deal with his emotional troubles. This show can be very funny at one time and equally violent and disturbing at another time.
-| AG