Friday, January 14, 2005

Recommended Browsers for the DynamiX website

Windows XP: Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft IE 6+ , Safari.

Windows 98: Mozilla Firefox

Thursday, January 13, 2005

A good-morning's sleep messed

- Yawn! Glances at the watch, 6:30 am - Man, it's too early, anyway I have to get up and go to school - gets up, sunday...sunday...sunday...closes his eyes and floats into the lala land -
Bad things start from the scratch...
Gets up at 7:30 am (but I only slept for 5 minutes after 6:30!)
Leaves the home late,
Misses the bus,
Tells the driver to take the car to school,
Reaches school at 8:10 am,
Finds the usually noisy school deserted,
asks the sick looking guard, if today is a holiday,
tells me that today is a holiday! It's Makar Sakranti today.... good-morning's sleep messed.
Gets back to house,
Does Physics for 2 hours,
and now typing for this blog-post.

Inter House Gaming Competition comin' up!

Yeah! An Inschool gaming competition is soon going to happen at RAMJAS!
All the gamers....tighten your belts, and get might recieve some competition from the quiet, or the small, or some one you never expected to even be there!
The event is still at the drawning board and is called "FragFest 2005".
Dates are not yet finalised. For more info regarding this, contact any of the DynamiX members manually or through our website:

Note: This is not an Inter-School gaming competition, only for Ramjas School, R.K.Puram students.