Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Title field left blank.

As I sat inert at quarter to 1am, I said to myself, Now that I've some free time to collect my thoughts, I might as well post on this blog and break the brief spell in which it lay dead. What with all the standardized tests to be taken and applications to be worked over, I really couldn't spare much thought to updating this blog with so much as a pathetic little post. Unfortunate as it is, even now I'm not completely free - I'm yet to take TOEFL the following week and I'm yet to run off to school (again) and accost my maths teacher and order her to fill out the recommendations. Once I'm done with TOEFL, I'll plunge headlong into thinking up eccentric ways in which I'll get through the day that's been pinned to my head as my "birthday" - that is 21st November, by the way. Had one cared to ponder over the other literal meaning of the word "birthday", he'd have snorted at the whole prospect of celebrating a "birthday" since it would have been the day when the person would have been born again and again every year: Nov. 21st, 1989 - 1 year old ... Nov. 21st, 1990 - Poof! *and born again* 1 year old ... Nov. 21st, 1991 - Poof! *and born again* 1 year old ... something like a Phoenix, one might say.

- AG.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Belated B'day dude !

10:35 AM

Blogger Ayush Gupta said...

Thank you, Tarun.

11:33 AM


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