Thursday, September 28, 2006

1 generic humanoid carbon unit please.

If you are a new iPod owner and you also happen to have made yourself aquainted with the fact that Apple has revamped its range of iPods, you must be feeling pretty pissed right now. No? Well, I am. Why? Because I bought an iPod Shuffle a couple of months back for Rs. 4000 that holds around 120 songs (512 MB) and what I see now? An even smaller - rather infinitely smaller - iPod Shuffle that holds around 250 songs (1 frickin' GB) available for Rs. 3600!

Not that I crave to get my hands onto anything as sleek and small as this iPod, god me no. As of now, I am happy (more than that actually) with my present iPod, so who cares? The sound quality is amazing and the battery life is amazing. So, the new iPod can go and eat Bart's shorts.

Also, I accidently (yes, really) happen to be (or, was) the 4242 visitor to my blog. For those ignorant blurbs who don't recognize the significance of the number "42", let me give you a crash course in mysticism. According to Douglas Adams, the number 42 happens to be the ultimate answer to the life, the universe, and everything.

- AG.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even Google says that.

4:15 AM

Blogger Ayush Gupta said...

Interesting. Google is getting more and more human by the day.

7:53 AM


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