Sunday, February 12, 2006

Strung Together. Barely.

Ever heard of a something called “The String Theory”? Maybe you did. Anyhow, do you know what it actually is all about? No? Well, I am here to tell just that. String Theory, actually, says that everything (and everyone) is made of small vibrating strings. This blows the Particle Theory out of the picture, according to which Electrons, Neutrons, Muons (and other 54 elementary particles) are at the foundation of our Universe. And what is the consequence of Particle Theory? Long and Difficult Equations (which cannot be sufficed in a single page), and in general, things which are difficult and boring, to say the least. Scientists seem to be taking a particular interest in making the basics simple. How? By proving the existence of String Theory, which will result in a simpler foundation of our beloved Universe.

According to the String Theory, there are 9 spatial dimensions. Humans, as it is, live in a Three Dimensional (3D) World, and thus cannot experience the other 6 dimensions. The existence of these “extra” dimensions is shown by colliding elementary charged particles (Electrons, for example) in an accelerator. If the total energy of the system has been lost, it may have escaped into the 4th Dimension. CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background) which exists everywhere (in the Sky) has always been used in trying to prove the existence of String Theory. This theory is presently strung together on the basis of speculation and is still in the Cradle of Science. It might be a long time before it has some Hard Proof.

I am, your most sincerely,
Silence Dogood (most of the times known as "Mr. GoodBytes").


Blogger Siddharth Razdan said...


5:55 AM

Blogger methead said...

Ah, nice post!

3:39 AM


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