Not the usual YADA YADA. (Part 2)
With the 5 Board Exams over, in other words: All exams over, I thought I might as well un-necessarily post another post and break the number "42" (which acutally was the number of the previous post on this Web Log) like all the things I did on this day, which were, to place mildly, un-necessary, but still were supposed to be done.
Buying an Eminem CD, listening to an Eminem CD, Yakking on the Mobile, Staring Dumbly at the Screen, Breathing Air, were some of the (more mentionable) things that preceded this Post and succeded myself leaving the stuffy Examination Hall, though, obviously, I was breathing Air at all times.
While the word "Eminem" is still fresh in your Memory, I would like to discuss the Audio CD I bought today by the same artist. It goes by the Name "EMINEM Curtain Call: The Hits" and it certainly defines the declaration "The Hits". Without Me is obviously the best one in the CD, and Guilty Conscience is obviously the funniest, though you might find yourself sniggering through My Name Is, atleast those will who understand Rap Lyrics. I would recommond it to anyone who is looking around for some decent Time Pass, though I would certainly tell those certain few to refrain from the idea of listening to any of the songs, who are allergic to Explicit Lyrics. When I'm Gone is a new song in the CD, unlike the rest, and it is a tribute by EMINEM to his departure from the Rap World.

Usually I get the Broadband Speed ~ 5 - 6 KBps on any P2P program, but on 24th March, 2006 I got Broadband Speed ~ 50 - 60 KBps, without signing onto the Broadband Client. Thus the 300 MB File I was downloading showed the Remaining Time as 1 Hour, unlike its usual proclaimation of "1 - 2 Days". I would have gladly displayed the Screenshot of the same, but due to certain Inexplicable Reasons, I will refrain from doing so. :-)
1) No offence, but I don't think that there is any any need to be over-joyed. Entrance examinations are left which definitely are tougher than the CBSE and will require much more hard-work. Also you have a foreign trip in mind
2) Explain the significance of the title please.
4:56 AM
I don't see the need to expound the "significance" of the Title, as there is not much attached with the one of this particular post. Secondly, I really didn't know that Entrances were tougher than Boards! Oh, thank you very much, Razdan, for that stroke of brilliance!
7:29 AM
You are always welcomed dear ;-)
10:22 AM
Huh? 5-6 KBps, broadband?? Are you joking.. That is the speed you get on VSNL dial-up. 50 is normal with MTNL.
8:07 AM
hey, it's true that sometimes people are overjoyed over something that they consider is better when gone! but what you say shall not be considered 'overjoyed' as one of the commenteers state, it is more like of a mere expression of the state of mind which one felt at that time.
also you mus'nt forget that when you are free from a certain situation you feel glad because that pain is gone but remember this only pain tells you that you are on the right path!!
as the saying goes 'no pain no gain'
see ya soon
12:06 AM
Umm try searching open port 1080 on yer network.. if luck u cld be getting 50 -60 ks all the tym using a SOCKS Proxy :-)
12:20 AM
@Ayush :Well as others said that u gotta be jokin, when u said u got 50KBps, could be true coz even i experienced similar thing a few days back.
6:50 AM
Tarun, you infered the meaning of the comments wrongly, I daresay. They implied that I must be, ah, joking when I said that I usually get 5-6 KBps and not that I got 50 KBps.
7:09 AM
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