I came across an excellent documentary video of Porsche's Cayman sport coupé. You may watch it on Porsche's
web site [Films > Broadband]. The video (titled "Inspiration") is pretty long and it may take a while to load itself completely in your browser. And make sure that your speakers are on. I'd love to know how you feel about the video (and the car). My feelings? A car that's truly a Porsche (pronounced:
-| AG.
thank u. though i get the awful feeling that u were being slgihlt sarcastic but, oh well. happty new year to u too. :-)
2:54 AM
wot is wrong with my spelling??? way too many typos. *slightly and *happy
2:55 AM
Haha. Typos happen to us humans who tend to type on an alphanumeric keyboard without looking at it. ;-) And I wasn't being sarcastic in the comment I left on your blog. :-D
2:58 AM
May I suggest you something Ayush? Posting videos(and especially mammoth-sized, like you've just posted) is not a good idea. Even I, with a 256kbps internet connectivity(which is pretty fast), got pissed while it loaded. And worst still, I didn't wait for it to load completely.
(Siddharth Razdan)
8:14 AM
Through such a post, I'm just linking to a video which I consider to be excellently directed, written and narrated. It's up to the visitor to either trust my judgment and view it as a whole or get ticked off at the time it's taking to load itself completely. If a person likes the content and presentation of a video and is genuinely interested, it's my belief (and only logical to conclude) that he'll end up watching it; even if he is a dial-up user and is waiting for an hour long video to load.
9:03 AM
The world has started using 2mbps.
9:28 PM
And yet I crawl behind at 64 kbps.
4:58 AM
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