Monday, May 01, 2006

Tap, Tap. This thing on?

From Kaavya Viswanathan's much publicised plagiarism coup to Alexander Graham Bell's much unheard-of support for Eugenics, there is a lot to write about. The irony being that I will discuss neither of the extremities as they do not interest me as much as they did a few days back. I will settle on the Rain. The Spring Rain, the Winter Rain, the Monsoon Rain, whatever you may refer to it as, I will take pleasure out of its existence this way or that. Though I tend to feel just the opposite ("aggravated" is perhaps the right word) while standing outside in the rain, in the company of a dozen others who budge around under the sidewalk-shed trying to get out of getting drenched to the skin. But, generally speaking, I like Rain. I feel content on hearing its soft drumming and I often, depending on the hour of the day, walk out onto the porch and feel the cool breeze that accompanies this capricious phenomenon. It inspires me and tells me how beautiful this World is, and I instantly feel good about being a part (geographically speaking, I might not even count as a speck) of this Universe. Perhaps its only human to feel this way. Perhaps everyone does feel this way, with the exception of a few who distractedly wave it aside and say with heavy sarcasm, "Oh, My God! Water falling out of the Sky and going into the sewers. How very interesting!"

-| AG.


Blogger Shashank Shekhar said...

Yeah, rain's nice.. that's the only time I begin to feel a little comforted as if someone out there's telling me to relax.

7:10 AM


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